Carve 4 Cancer

All proceeds raised through the Carve4Cancer initiative support the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation’s Seeds4Hope research fund.

Make a donation to support your favourite pumpkin below or visit our Facebook Album to vote on your favourite design!

Lindsey Bareich, 2023

For as long as she can remember, Lindsey Bareich has loved carving pumpkins. Back when she was just 12 years old, Lindsey’s father challenged her to find a way to turn her favourite fall hobby into a meaningful way to give back to her community.

In 2018, when she was just 13, Lindsey created Carve 4 Cancer, a unique fundraiser that also lifts the spirits of patients, families, and staff that visit the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre. Carve 4 Cancer encourages local businesses to sponsor the purchase of a locally sourced, gigantic (up to 80lbs!) pumpkin. Companies design beautiful, dynamic, and intricately carved pumpkin masterpieces. During the last week of October, the pumpkins can be found on display, transforming the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre entryway. Sarah Lichtman, Admitting Clerk at the Cancer Centre, says patients love Carve 4 Cancer, and she can feel the excitement every October, “I have had patients comment on how they didn’t want to come to treatment, but seeing all the pumpkins outside uplifted their spirits on bad days.

Carve 4 Cancer continues to grow each year, even in the face of challenges along the way. In 2019, terrible weather resulted in local crop failure forcing Lindsey to shift to decorating Wreaths for Wellness instead. The pandemic brought its own set of challenges, yet Lindsey’s Carve 4 Cancer fundraiser continued to find ways to flourish, like adding photos on social media.

Thank you for making a difference.