3rd Annual Lindsay McAfrey Memorial Golf Tournament

The Lindsay McAfrey Memorial Golf Tournament was established in 2022 by Lindsay’s fiancé, Dan, to raise funds in her memory for the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation.

Lindsay’s favourite animal was a shark and her dream was to one day “boop” one on the nose.

This year marks the 3rd Annual Golf Tournament, which in its first two years has already raised over $35,000 for our local cancer community! Join us Saturday, June 1st, 2024 for a round of golf, and wear sharks in memory of Lindsay.

If you wish to register to golf in the tournament, or purchase merchandise, please visit the official LM23 Website here: https://www.lindsaymcafreytournament.ca/

If you can’t attend the tournament, but still wish to donate in memory of Lindsay, you can make a tax-deductible donation below to the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation. Your generous donation will be added to this year’s event total.

All funds raised stay local and support cancer patients in our community.