The Donor Difference | Fall 2022 Newsletter

From Our Executive Director
As you spend time reading through our newsletter, we hope you will be as excited as we are about all of the accomplishments because none of this could be possible without you. Thanks to your continued support and generosity, together, we have provided funding to the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre in support of those in our community living with cancer.
Because of your generosity, the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation was able to present a cheque for $740,620.00 to the Windsor Regional Cancer Program. Five departments will receive funding to advance cancer care and treatment including Systemic, Radiation, Pharmacy, Surgery, and Medical Oncology (in-patient). With your help, we will further cancer research and patient care for our local community.
In this issue of The Donor Difference, you will meet Adrian. His cancer diagnosis has only brought him closer to the ones he loves. His positive attitude speaks to how the human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. You’ll also meet this year’s Scholarship recipients. These scholarships have provided the opportunity for children of those living with cancer to follow their dreams.
Everything we accomplish is because of you. Your generosity has an extraordinary impact on our desire to achieve more for you and your loved ones. We are here to serve our cancer community. We are driven by that promise to you.
With gratitude,
Houida Kassem
We Grow On Together
Adrian Vido is no stranger to helping others in both his professional and personal life. As the former Director of Global Manufacturing Quality at Ford Motor Company, he understood the need to support his team and lend a helping hand. He has that same philosophy with his family and friends. He has always been someone who gave freely of himself but now he was on the receiving end of selfless love and support.
Adrian prides himself as a family man but his bond with his only grandchild is a special kind of love that only a “Nonno” and his granddaughter could have. However, shortly after his Multiple Myeloma diagnosis in 2020, a global pandemic would change the relationship between the two. The tables had turned and his granddaughter Nevena became her “Nonno’s” support system which brought the two even closer together.
He recalls with a smile. “She never treated me like I was sick. She kept everything positive”.
For Adrian, she provided a selfless kind of love that empowered him to stay strong during his many treatments at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre. He knew with a long journey ahead of him, a strong support team is what he needed. “Your family is much bigger than what’s at home supporting you. Every person you come in contact with at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre and Inpatient Unit is ready to be the support, the family, the heroes we all need,” says Vido.
This is one of the reasons why Adrian wanted to become an Ambassador for the Grow On Windsor campaign which happens every November in support of those living with cancer in our region. He wanted to give back to those who have given so selflessly to him.
Meet Your New Pharmacy Assistant
Through your generous donations, and as part of the $740,620 announced in the letter from our Executive Director, the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation has funded the purchase of the TUG Robotic Medication Delivery System.
TUG securely delivers medications from pharmacy directly to the chemo suite as well as inpatient oncology unit. It secures and automates deliveries for hazardous medications, and will eliminate nurse travel time to pick up chemotherapy, allowing nurses to focus more time on patient care.
Spotlight on Scholarships
Scholarships are administered through the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation and provide the opportunity for children of those living with cancer to follow their dreams.
The Jason Thomas Memorial Scholarship provides scholarships for post secondary students with families struggling through the fight with cancer. This year’s recipients (pictured) are Monica Pulleybank, Cole Fuerth, and Adam Bakos.
The Sherron Hogan Memorial Scholarship provides scholarships for post secondary students with limited financial resources due to the impact of cancer on their immediate family. This year, a total of $47,500 was divided amongst eight recipients including Adam Bakos (pictured).
Power of the Devoted Donor Program
The Devoted Donor program is the opportunity to give a gift each and every month. Through monthly donations, you can provide the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation with a reliable and consistent source of funding to purchase items continuously in need, just like the ones listed below. Monthly giving is a convenient way to make a huge impact for those living with cancer in our region.
By joining the Devoted Donor program, you’ll make easy automatic monthly donations through credit or debit with tax receipts issued annually. You can change or increase donations at any time knowing your generosity continues to support cancer patients in our region. Register to become a devoted donor here, or contact Brooke Spitse, Manager of Fundraising, at 519-254-5577 ext 58987.
Your support makes all the difference. Support comes in many ways. You can donate today by clicking the button below, share this link and newsletter with a loved one to help raise awareness, or spend time with a friend in need.