The Donor Difference | Fall 2023 Newsletter
Letter from our Executive Director
Autumn is a wonderful time of year for comfort, reflection and gratitude.
I want to first reflect on your support. Your donations have supported the treatment and care of thousands of local cancer patients in our community, Because of your generosity, over 3,000 patients in the last year received world class cancer care close to home, near families and loved ones. Thank you.
As well, we hope you take comfort in reading stories of incredible local donors doing social good in our community. One story in particular is touching. Lindsey Bareich, currently a senior in high school at Sandwich Secondary, has been a trailblazer in our community since she was just twelve years old. Her parents, David and Sandra Bareich, set the tone for Lindsey by encouraging her to look and think beyond oneself, and challenged her to do something good for our community.
Lindsey’s formula was simple: find something you love, and connect it with a cause close to your heart. Open the pages of our enclosed newsletter, The Donor Difference, and you’ll read how her creativity has impacted cancer patients, staff, and local organizations, while raising an incredible amount of funds in support of local cancer care.
Lindsey’s parent’s didn’t see her age as a barrier, rather, they viewed her youth as an opportunity to channel her energy and enthusiasm. The future of our community is in wonderfully capable, and thoughtful hands with many young and dedicated people just like Lindsey.
I am inspired by Lindsey, and every story we hear about donors finding creative ways to support patients diagnosed with cancer. During this season of reflection, we give thanks for donors like you.
With gratitude,
Houida Kassem, Executive Director, Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation
Teen’s Efforts Ahead Of The Carve

For as long as she can remember, Lindsey Bareich, a high school senior at Sandwich Secondary, has loved carving pumpkins. Back when she was just 12 years old, Lindsey’s father challenged her to find a way to turn her favourite fall hobby into a meaningful way to give back to her community.
In 2018, Lindsey created Carve 4 Cancer, a unique fundraiser that also lifts the spirits of patients, families, and staff that visit the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre. Carve 4 Cancer encourages local businesses to sponsor the purchase of a locally sourced, gigantic (up to 80lbs!) pumpkin. Companies design beautiful, dynamic, and intricately carved pumpkin masterpieces. During the last week of October, the pumpkins can be found on display, transforming the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre entryway.

Sarah Lichtman, Admitting Clerk at the Cancer Centre, says patients love Carve 4 Cancer, and she can feel the excitement every October, “I have had patients comment on how they didn’t want to come to treatment, but seeing all the pumpkins outside uplifted their spirits on bad days.”
Carve 4 Cancer continues to grow each year, even in the face of challenges along the way. In 2019, terrible weather resulted in local crop failure forcing Lindsey to shift to decorating Wreaths for Wellness instead. The pandemic brought its own set of challenges, yet Lindsey’s Carve 4 Cancer fundraiser continued to find ways to flourish, like adding photos on social media.
During Carve 4 Cancer week, Lindsey often visits the display, and enjoys meeting patients who are taking in the sights. “It is amazing to meet patients and see the awe and joy on their faces as they take in all the creativity.”
Lindsey can still vividly recall one of her favourite submissions from Carve 4 Cancer’s first year. She says The Rosati Group submitted a pumpkin that had been transformed into a brick building, with construction equipment toys and even a crane lifting off the ‘roof’, and tiny construction workers placed around the site.
Another local company, MTE Controls Corporation, has been a long-time sponsor of Carve 4 Cancer. Rose Paton of MTE Controls says, “Our staff always look forward to this time of year, because they feel like they have contributed in a unique way to the support of local cancer patients.”
“Walking through for daily radiation last fall, the pumpkins provided a welcomed distraction from the inevitable stress of treatment. As patients, we would connect over chatting about the carvings. Thank you Lindsey. These uplifting moments are so important.”
Joal McMahon, local cancer patient
Lindsey’s parents hoped she’d impact her community; the beautiful surprise is the impact that Carve 4 Cancer has had on their daughter, “We know that Lindsey’s dedication has shaped the event into what it is, but what’s amazing from our view is to see how this fundraiser has helped to shape Lindsey into a confident and articulate communicator, who can set her own goals and achieve them.” To date, Carve 4 Cancer has raised over $50,000.
The Donor Difference
Legacy of Providing Comfort For Patients Lives On
Dr. Jaideep Rampure, “Jay” as most knew him, was a loving husband and father who was always quick to laugh and add positivity into any conversation. He was also an exceptional physician. After his passing in July 2019, his wife Rita, and sons Suraj and Chirag, wanted to honour Jay by gifting a lasting legacy to the place that provided great care to him during his cancer treatments.
Rita learned that there was a need for chemotherapy beds, and she and her sons agreed to fund the purchase of a bed for patients receiving chemotherapy treatment at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre. Their loving gesture would be of great benefit to many patients during their lengthy treatments. Jay’s family took solace in knowing his legacy would make an invaluable impact.
Once she discovered there was a need for not only one, but five beds at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre, Rita knew what their next steps would be.
“Knowing that there was a need for five new beds, I decided I could not support the purchase of just one and leave out the other four.” Rita and her boys, funded the cost of all five beds, “in memory of my loving husband” she said.
ay will always be remembered as an exceptional physician who advocated for his patients. And now his legacy of providing comfort to patients will live on, even after his passing.
Dr. Jaideep Rampure’s legacy donation totaled $89,000.
Planned Giving
With Planned Giving, you can arrange a donation now to be allocated later. Planned giving creates a legacy, and is a beautiful opportunity to contribute in a lasting way. If you want to make an impact without hindering today’s disposable income, Planned Giving might be the right option for you.
“I have included the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation in my Will to honour my mother and my late wife. I am happy to know my gift will mean LIFE to so many others!”
Stephen K, Legacy Donor
The benefit of planning your legacy with us is the passion and creativity that goes into brainstorming what to do with your generous gift. Funds can be dedicated, naming rights can be allocated, and together we can create the lasting legacy you’re looking for. Contact Jenny McGregor, Donor Relations Specialist, to start the conversation by phone 519-254-5577 extension 58634.
You can give a gift of securities, life insurance, gifts in your will, and even donate your car.
Devoted Donor Program
You can make an immediate and long lasting impact on cancer patients in our community. By joining the Devoted Donor program, your automated monthly donations will support the ongoing needs of local cancer patients.
Provides one freshly laundered warm robe to wear during radiation treatment
One confined patient will receive a vital house call by a technician to conduct lab tests
Covers one month wheelchair rental for patients accessing the Patient Assistance Fund
100% of your automated monthly donation stays local to support cancer patients in need. Give Today.