Jill Laframboise
Cancer Is Not A Thing for 23yr Olds – But It Is.
Jill can still hear her Granny’s voice when she recalls the advice she was given throughout her adolescent years, “Granny always used to tell us, ‘Girls, check your boobs!'”. Sadly, her grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age, a reality that made those words more poignant.
At just 23 years old, every future plan that Jill worked toward was put on hold. Instead, a grueling, yet necessary treatment plan became her only priority.
Now Jill is sharing her story in the hopes of raising awareness and funds to ensure more programs and services are available to our cancer patients in our community.
Jill’s Story
At 22, Jill was just a few weeks away from her Teacher’s College Gala Night when she felt a lump in her left breast. Jill, a native of Windsor and a lover of animals, was focused on life beyond college when she made the discovery.
During the initial appointments and throughout her treatment, Jill leaned heavily on her mother, a retired Windsor Regional Cancer Centre Nurse. Reflecting on that time, Jill shared, “She was scared. She knew exactly what I was in for.”
What followed was a demanding treatment plan that required many trips up along Highway 401. When Jill was diagnosed in 2009, the Breast Reconstruction Program was not yet available in Windsor.
Grueling Travel For Treatment Was ‘Awful’
Jill was able to have her lumpectomy in Windsor, along with the removal of her sentinel node and lymph nodes on her left side. However, at the time, breast reconstruction was not available in Windsor. (It is now, thanks to generous donors in our community). This meant, Jill had to travel to London for her mastectomy and reconstruction which required in two separate surgeries. Due to a severe infection, Jill had to undergo each surgery – again – in London.
“I was in excruciating pain to the point where I could not lift up my own arms. Just hitting the bumps on the 401 were so painful for me. I couldn’t even take pain medication because I was driving… so I just sucked it up.” Jill recalled.
Jill and her mother would head out on the roads at 5:30am, navigating in pitch black and sometimes blizzard conditions, in order to secure the first appointment of the day. Even as the first patient of the day in London, it would be late in the afternoon before Jill was able to get back to Windsor, into her own bed to rest.
Recalling her experience, Jill says it would have been so much easier had she been able to just travel the 10-15 minutes to the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre, rather than losing an entire day away from her family and her support system.
Everything Came To A Halt
The morning after her Teacher’s College Gala, Jill was in excruciating pain. Shortly thereafter, she went in for a consultation, and two weeks later she was undergoing surgery. The doctor told Jill that from the date of the consult to the day of surgery, her tumour had doubled in size. Ten days after surgery, she received a call that would forever alter her future plans. Jill was diagnosed with stage 2, HER2-positive breast cancer.
“I was supposed to be starting my life. What am I going to do next?”

Raising Funds For The DaVinci Xi
Jill is proud to be a 2024 Grow On Windsor Ambassador. Although the DaVinci Xi surgical robot wasn’t part of her treatment plan, she understands the importance of having access to vital programs and equipment close to home.
“I know we need this, as well as other lifesaving equipment, here in our community. We can bring the necessary programs and equipment here if we do this together. My surgeries that I had to travel to London for, are now available here because of your generosity. Our community is nothing short of Angels.”
Jill’s Message To Supporters
Jill Is One Of Five Grow On Windsor Ambassadors
Rod, Jim, Jill, Gemma, and George are local cancer survivors who are sharing their stories in the hopes that you’ll Team Up for Grow On Windsor. Donate in honour of an Ambassador, or register today and raise funds to support world class care close to home.