breast cancer charcuterie board

Buy a Believe Board

Purchase a Handcrafted Believe Board Purchase this beautiful, locally handcrafted charcuterie board and support the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation. Huge thank you to Twindad Designs for this fundraising initiative. These customizable boards are $200 each, including taxes and shipping fees. $25.00 from each board sold will be donated to the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation. Twindad…

spas for a cause

Spas for a Cause

During the month of May, purchase a qualifying service from one of these amazing local spas in support of Lock Out Cancer. Each spa and salon are unique, and so are their qualifying services. Reach out to them and find out which of your favourite pampering services support Spas for a Cause. Treat yourself for…

hope blooms

Flowers & Hope Blooms

During the entire month of May, purchase Lilies at one of our participating florists in support of Lock Out Cancer. More to Come! These local florists have dedicated portions of the proceeds to our Lock Out Cancer campaign. Lock Out Cancer is a fundraising campaign of the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation supporting cancer awareness, research…

Lock Out Cancer

Purchase a Key

Donate $2,500 or more to have an inscribed key added to our Lock Out Cancer Key Wall as a permanent tribute for your generous support. Contact Houida Kassem at 519-254-5577 ext. 58506 to purchase a key.

Grocery Giveaway Raffle

Grocery Giveaway Raffle

UPDATE: Raffle has closed. Thank you for participating! 2023 Winners are announced below. 2023 Prize Winners Grand Prize: $5,200 in President’s Choice Gift Cards. Winner: Jess D. 2nd Prize: Windsor Spitfires Suite Package valued at $1,000. Winner: Theresa S. 3rd Prize: Pizza Oven valued at $299. Winner: Theresa K. 4th Prize: Turkey Dinner Package valued…